psihoterapeut online - online psychotherapist

Psihoterapeut online

Psihoterapeut i psihoterapija lako i jednostavno dostupni na brz i pouzdan način. Iz sigurnosti vlastitog doma uspostavite kontakt i dogovorite razgovor s psihoterapeutom u vrijeme i na način koje vam najviše odgovara. Izaberite povjerljivi privatni razgovor koristeći telefon, Zoom, Skype ili nešto treće.

Online psihoterapija i briga za zdravlje na ugodan i jednostavan način.


Psychoherapist online

Confidential and secure online talk therapy

Psychotherapist online and talk therapy online is a great support if you are facing a big life challenge or you simply want to thrive more, to clarify who you are and what you want to be, in relationships or career.

Geit it all from the comfort of your own home. I am currently offering video sessions, for both initial evaluations and follow up appointments over Zoom and Skype. Simple booking an appointment over the WhatsApp: 0038598236628